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  1. chapter: 1. Lucius Domitius and Appius Claudius being consuls [54 B.C.], Caesar, when departing from his winter quarters into Italy, as he had been accustomed to do yearly, commands the lieutenants whom he appointed over the legions to take care that during the winter as many ships as possible should be built, and the old repaired.

  2. C. Julius Caesar. C. Iuli Commentarii Rerum in Gallia Gestarum VII A. Hirti Commentarius VII. T. Rice Holmes. Oxonii. e Typographeo Clarendoniano. 1914. Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis. The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.

  3. 1. The following winter (this was the year in which Cn. Pompey and M. Crassus were consuls [55 B.C.]), those Germans [called] the Usipetes, and likewise the Tenchtheri, with a great number of men, crossed the Rhine , not far from the place at which that river discharges itself into the sea. The motive for crossing [that river] was, that having ...

  4. C. Julius Caesar. C. Iuli Commentarii Rerum in Gallia Gestarum VII A. Hirti Commentarius VII. T. Rice Holmes. Oxonii. e Typographeo Clarendoniano. 1914. Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis. The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.

  5. en Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Granada. Título: De bello gallico. Autor: César, Cayo Julio, 100 A.C.-44 A.C. Publicación original: [14--?] Descripción física: Fol. Notas generales: Letra humanística. Huecos para iniciales. 30 líneas, en caja de 210 x 120 mm. Foliación moderna en tinta.

  6. The Gallic Wars. By Julius Caesar. Translated by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn. Book 2. Chapter 1. While Caesar was in winter quarters in Hither Gaul, as we have shown above, frequent reports were brought to him, and he was also informed by letters from Labienus, that all the Belgae, who we have said are a third part of Gaul, were entering ...

  7. De Bello Gallico. C. Iulii Caesaris quae extant, 1678. Karta över Gallien vid Caesars tid. Commentarii De Bello Gallico ( latin för "Kommentarer om det galliska kriget") är de sju böcker som den romerske krigsherren Julius Caesar författade om sin verksamhet under gallerkriget år 58 f.Kr. till 52 f.Kr.