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  1. In How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can't Change, Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (GASLAND) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change – the greatest threat our world has ever known. Traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, the film acknowledges that it may be too late to stop some of the worst consequences and asks, what is it that ...

  2. Only true legends of rock music are known by one word. As with 'Elvis' everyone knows the name of the most creative and influential rock artist of all time: BOWIE. Whereas other artists remained constant in appearance, or gradually evolved their musical style, Bowie was in a state of permanent revolution: constantly re-inventing his persona and sound. From the 1960's mixture of psychedelia ...

  3. About You Can Change the World. The perfect graduation gift, this book of heroes compiles the most inspirational content from the New York Times bestselling Ordinary People Change the World series. More than twenty heroic figures from the past and present share their wisdom in this friendly, fun book that combines quotes and artwork from the beloved picture book biography series Ordinary ...

  4. Only true legends of rock music are known by one word. As with 'Elvis' everyone knows the name of the most creative and influential rock artist of all time: BOWIE. Whereas other artists remained constant in appearance, or gradually evolved their musical style, Bowie was in a state of permanent revolution: constantly re-inventing his persona and sound. From the 1960's mixture of psychedelia ...

  5. Only true legends of rock music are known by one word. As with 'Elvis' everyone knows the name of the most creative and influential rock artist of all time: BOWIE. Whereas other artists remained constant in appearance, or gradually evolved their musical style, Bowie was in a state of permanent revolution: constantly re-inventing his persona and sound. From the 1960's mixture of psychedelia ...

  6. Only true legends of rock music are known by one word. As with 'Elvis' everyone knows the name of the most creative and influential rock artist of all time: BOWIE. Whereas other artists remained constant in appearance, or gradually evolved their musical style, Bowie was in a state of permanent revolution: constantly re-inventing his persona and sound. From the 1960's mixture of psychedelia ...

  7. Idealism vs. pragmatism, principle vs. compromise, they agreed that a handful of people could change the world. They just couldn’t always agree on how to do it. Featuring music from Pink Floyd, Leonard Cohen, Jodi Mitchell, Brigitte Bardot, Country Joe McDonald & The Fish and the Can. 2015 How to Change the World Ltd, Insight Greenpeace Doc Ltd, The British Film Insitute, British Sky ...