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  1. William Henry Harrison. Born February 9, 1773 Berkeley, Virginia. Died April 4, 1841 Washington, D.C.. General, president of the United States. In the years leading up to the War of 1812, William Henry Harrison, while serving as governor of Indiana Territory, negotiated a number of treaties through which Native Americans sold their traditional lands to the United States government.

  2. 1 de jul. de 2019 · Updated on July 01, 2019. William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773–April 4, 1841) was a U.S. military commander and the ninth president of the United States. He led American forces during the Northwest Indian War and the War of 1812. Harrison's time in the White House was brief, as he died about one month into his term of typhoid fever.

  3. William Henry Harrison. Ninth President, 1841. Campaign: Due to his military career, William Henry Harrison became the frontrunner of the Whig Party—a new political faction assembled by opposition to Jackson. Despite his aristocratic Virginian roots, the 1840 campaign remade Harrison as a heroic western Indian fighter, living in a log cabin ...

  4. Biography of William Henry Harrison by Encyclopedia Britannica . Related Documents. Search all documents. March 04, 1841. Inaugural Address. March 04, 1841. William Henry Harrison Event Timeline. March 05, 1841. Special Message. March 17, 1841. Proclamation 45B—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress.

  5. William Henry Harrison urodził się w 9 lutego 1773 w hrabstwie Charles City w kolonii Wirginii, jako najmłodsze z siedmiorga dzieci, zamożnego plantatora Benjamina Harrisona i jego żony Elizabeth [1]. Po śmierci ojca w 1791, William trafił pod opiekę kupca Roberta Morrisa [1] .

  6. William Henry Harrison was the first Whig to enter office, and the first President to die in office. Harrison's significance in presidential history does not lie in his brief term in office, but rather in the innovative campaign techniques designed by his party to secure him the office. Savvy advisers eyed the electorate and wholly altered ...

  7. Harrison was in fact a scion of the Virginia planter aristocracy. He was born on February 9, 1773 at Berkeley Plantation to one of Virginia's wealthiest slave owning families. He studied classics and history at Hampden-Sydney College, then began the study of medicine. Then in 1791, Harrison obtained a commission as ensign in the First Infantry ...

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