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  1. 11 de abr. de 2016 · Si la ironía es un signo de inteligencia, Paul Klee (Münchenbuchsee, 1879-Muralto, 1940) hizo gala de una exquisita agudeza a lo largo de toda su carrera. Sutil, reflexivo, extrema

  2. painting by Paul Klee

  3. Angelus Novus és un dibuix a tinta xinesa, guix i aquarel·la sobre paper, pintat en 1920 pel pintor suís Paul Klee i adquirit posteriorment pel filòsof i crític Walter Benjamin.. El títol de l'obra, Angelus Novus ('àngel nou' en llatí), remet a una llegenda jueva originària del Talmud.Aquest motiu va servir d'inspiració a Benjamin per a la seva famosa teoria de l'«Àngel de la ...

  4. 2 de jul. de 2017 · El roce del ángel de la historia. HAY UN CUADRO de Paul Klee que se titula Angelus Novus. En él se muestra a un ángel que parece a punto de alejarse de algo sobre lo cual ha clavado la mirada ...

  5. Surveying these epic events from the vantage point of the current disquiet that pervades our time, one feels as if summoned by Paul Klee’s painting Angelus Novus. Thanks to the philosopher and cultural critic Walter Benjamin who bought the work in 1921, the painting has acquired a kind of cult status of clairvoyance beyond its actual representation.

  6. Nelle sue “Tesi di filosofia della storia” (1939-1940) Walter Benjamin scrive: «C’è un quadro di Klee che s’intitola Angelus Novus. Vi si trova un angelo che...

  7. Angelus Novus was painted by Paul Klee in 1920 using an oil transfer technique he had invented. It was purchased the following year by Walter Benjamin, who had it hung in the successive places where he lived and found in it an inspiration for several of his works, writing that having seen it could make the viewer “understand a humanity that proves itself by destruction.”