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  1. Gefangen in einer monströsen Skluptur gerät Pinhead in HELLRAISER III nach New York – zusammen mit einem machtbesessenen Club-Besitzer schließt er einen Pakt, um eine neue Cenobiten-Armee zu schaffen! Die ehrgeizige TV-Journalistin Joey kommt ihnen auf die blutige Spur. Diese führt in eine martialische Traumdimension führt, während Pinhead immer mehr Opfer fordert!

  2. 2. 1. Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever after witnessing the death of a tormented teenage boy. In her twisted journey to uncover the truth, she discovers a strange puzzle box, uncovering an open door to the Cenobites' demonic world of pleasure and pain. Once again Pinhead returns to walk the Earth ...

  3. 2. 1. Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever after witnessing the death of a tormented teenage boy. In her twisted journey to uncover the truth, she discovers a strange puzzle box, uncovering an open door to the Cenobites' demonic world of pleasure and pain. Once again Pinhead returns to walk the Earth ...

  4. Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever after witnessing the death of a tormented teenage boy. In her twisted journey to uncover the truth, she discovers a strange puzzle box, uncovering an open door to the Cenobites' demonic world of pleasure and pain. Once again Pinhead returns to walk the Earth, creating a new army of from the transmuted flesh of his ...

  5. Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever after witnessing the death of a tormented teenage boy. In her twisted journey to uncover the truth, she discovers a strange puzzle box, uncovering an open door to the Cenobites' demonic world of pleasure and pain. Once again Pinhead returns to walk the Earth, creating a new army of from the transmuted flesh of his ...

  6. "There is no good. There is no evil. There is only flesh." A nightclubber is dragged into an emergency room, trailing bloody chains hooked through his skin. When his body is torn as if by an invisible hand, a young television reporter, Joey Summerskill (Terry Farrell) witnesses the horrific event. Smart and ambitious, Joey sees this as a breakthrough story and tracks the victim's girlfriend ...

  7. "There is no good. There is no evil. There is only flesh." A nightclubber is dragged into an emergency room, trailing bloody chains hooked through his skin. When his body is torn as if by an invisible hand, a young television reporter, Joey Summerskill (Terry Farrell) witnesses the horrific event. Smart and ambitious, Joey sees this as a breakthrough story and tracks the victim's girlfriend ...