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  1. 保罗·艾克曼 [Paul Ekman 1934.02.15],美国心理学家,出生于华盛顿。主要研究脸部表情辨识、情绪与人际欺骗。1991 年获美国心理学会颁发的杰出科学贡献奖。他在芝加哥大学和纽约大学接受本科教育,在加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校的兰利波特精神病研究所临床实习一年,1958 年获纽约市阿德菲大学博士 ...

  2. 保罗·艾克曼(Paul Ekman,1934年2月15日 — )是一位美国心理学家,是研究情绪和面部表情的先驱 。 他被认为是二十世纪最杰出的100位心理学家之一 。

  3. Paul Ekman - Das Wichtigste. Paul Ekman ist ein renommierter Psychologe, der sich besonders auf das Studium von Emotionen und nonverbaler Kommunikation konzentriert hat. Geboren am 15. Februar 1934 in Washington, D.C. Ekmans Theorie der 7 Basisemotionen umfasst Freude, Trauer, Wut, Angst, Abscheu, Überraschung und Verachtung.

  4. Through continued cross-cultural studies, * Dr. Ekman noticed that many of the apparent differences in facial expressions across cultures were due to context. To describe this phenomenon, Dr. Ekman coined the term display rules: rules we learn in the course of growing up about when, how, and to whom it is appropriate to show our emotional expressions.

  5. Hace 4 días · Increase your emotional awareness and detect deception. Learn to read and respond to micro expressions. Access free, peer-reviewed journal articles by Paul Ekman, the world-renowned expert on emotions and facial expressions. Explore his research on universal emotions, micro expressions, nonverbal communication and more.

  6. Paul Ekman é um renomado psicólogo norte-americano conhecido por suas contribuições no estudo das emoções humanas e da expressão facial. Nascido em 1934, Ekman desenvolveu a teoria das emoções universais, que sugere que existem emoções básicas que são expressas de forma semelhante em todas as culturas. Sua pesquisa revolucionou a ...

  7. Paul Ekman is an American psychologist, professor, and author who is renowned for his pioneering work on human emotions and their link to facial expressions. He is a co-discoverer of microexpressions and a leading expert in the science of deception. Paul Ekman's Early Life. Paul Ekman was born to Jewish parents in Washington, D.C. on February ...

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