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  1. Obligada a abandonar Egipto, Cleopatra IV pasó a Chipre, en donde reclutó un ejército y ofreció su mano a Antíoco IX Cyzénico, tío suyo, con la esperanza de tomar venganza de su esposo. Su nuevo marido se hallaba por aquel entonces en guerra con su hermano Antíoco VIII Gripos, que le disputaba el trono de Siria y que tenía por mujer a ...

  2. Cleopatra IV (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα) was Queen of Egypt briefly from 116 to 115 BC, jointly with her husband Ptolemy IX Lathyros. She later became queen consort of Syria as the wife of Antiochus IX Cyzicenus.

  3. Cleopatra IV (Koine Greek: Κλεοπάτρα) was a queen-regent of the Ptolemaic Dynasty during the Hellenistic Period. She co-ruled with her husband, Ptolemy IX, from 116 to 115 BCE.

  4. 12 de ago. de 2015 · Antony—who considered himself the embodiment of the Greek god Dionysus—was instantly enchanted. 6. She was living in Rome at the time of Caesar’s assassination. Cleopatra joined Julius ...

  5. Description. Also known as. English. Cleopatra IV of Egypt. Queen of Egypt from 116-115 BC. Cleopatra IV.

  6. Cleòpatra IV. Cleòpatra IV (en grec antic: Κλεοπάτρα, Cleopatra) fou una reina d' Egipte. Era filla de Ptolemeu VIII Evèrgetes II i de Cleòpatra III . Va governar associada al seu marit i germà Ptolemeu IX Làtir, del 115 aC al 114 aC. La seva mare Cleòpatra III la va fer divorciar, i va casar Ptolemeu VII amb Cleòpatra V Selene .

  7. Cleopatra IV . Cleopatra IV 1, daughter of Ptolemy VIII 2 and Cleopatra III 3, born c. 138/135 4.She married at least twice 5.. Cleopatra IV first married her brother Ptolemy IX, before he became king of Egypt 6, in c. 119/8 7, by whom she probably had at least one son 7.1; she is here identified 8 as the mother of Ptolemy XII and Ptolemy of Cyprus 9, marriage forcibly divorced by Cleopatra ...