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  1. Mazurka. A mazurka lassú ¾-es ütemű, lengyel eredetű tánc. A mazurka elnevezés a lengyel Mazóvia terület nevéből ered. További elnevezései: Warschauer (Varsovienne), Air en Polonaise ( Lipcse 1736), Polka Mazurka, Masollka ( Tirol ), Flohbeutler – “bolhacsípés” ( Steiermark ), Tramplan – “dobogós” ( Karintia ...

  2. Mazurka. Mazurka ir poļu nacionālā deja. Mazurkas nosaukums radies Polijas novadā Mazovijā, kuru apdzīvoja mazūri. Polijas Konstitūcijā ierakstīts, ka valsts himna ir "Dombrovska mazurka". Reti kurā valstī pat ļoti populāras dejas ir kļuvušas par valsts himnu. Deja ir 3/4 vai 3/8 taktsmērā ar uzsvaru uz trešās taktadaļas.

  3. MazurkA lechugas, manzanas, zanahoria, queso de cabra y vinagreta a base de albahaca. ZUPY | sopas. Chlodnik. sopa fría de betabel con verduras. Pomidorowa crema de tomate con arroz. Zurek sopa de salchicha. Barszcz sopa de betabel con verduras y trocitos de ternera. Gryzbowa

  4. 23 de may. de 2024 · The mazurka is also classified as a Polish folk dance as well. Developed especially for the upbeat tempo of the music, the mazurka made its way to the United States during the immigrations of the middle 19th century. The fast pace of the dance quickly won over fans both young and old, and established itself as not only the premiere type of ...

  5. Mazurka. Mazurka ( poljsko: mazurek, verjetno imenovana po severovzhodni poljski regiji Mazury) je poljski ljudski ples v tridobnem taktu (3/4 ali 3/8), katerega značilnost je poudarek na tretji ali drugi dobi. Tempo je nekoliko počasnejši od tempa valčka in hitrejši od plesa kujawiak. Ljudski ples je polagoma našel mesto v plesnih ...

  6. Mazurka refers to one of the traditional Polish dances . 58 have been published. 45 during Chopin's lifetime, of which 41 have opus numbers (with the remaining four works being two early mazurkas from 1826 and the famous "Notre Temps" and "Émile Gaillard" mazurkas that were published individually in 1841) 13 posthumously, of which 8 have ...

  7. 18 de nov. de 2023 · Chopin's collection of Mazurkas is an important manifestation of his Polish identity, comprising a range of musical elements from the traditional folk dance....

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