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  1. You may also be looking for the two-parter episode "Two-Face" Harvey Dent was Gotham City's star district attorney; until an accident had brought out his dark side and turned him; into the criminal known as Two-Face. Gotham City's district attorney Harvey Dent was a true guardian of law and order. Well regarded as a fearless law enforcer, he had a reputation for producing results. His ...

  2. Two-Face : [showing the scarred side] You die. The Joker : Mmm, now we're talking. Harvey Dent : [during a press conference] The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming. Batman : [in the back of a factory at 250 52nd Street] What happened to Rachel wasn't chance. We decided to act!

  3. Harvey Dent was Gotham City's District Attorney, hailed as "Gotham's White Knight," who campaigned against its criminal underworld. He formed an alliance with Batman and Jim Gordon in order to take down Gotham's organized crime, but corrupt police officers working for mob boss Sal Maroni and the Joker kidnapped him and his girlfriend, Rachel Dawes and were held prisoner in two abandoned ...

  4. 18 de jul. de 2018 · Harvey Dent was Gotham City’s newly elected District Attorney, elected on a promise of bringing an end to the city’s crime wave. Dent threw himself into his career and ultimately inspired the city to rally around him, giving him the nickname “Gotham’s White Knight”.

  5. 24 de sept. de 2020 · Warner Bros. Daniel Waters: "Escribí una escena en la que Billy Dee Williams [o, más bien, Harvey Dent] se lesiona y luego recibe una moneda, pero no hicimos nada con eso" Además de Robin, rol ...

  6. Mezzo uomo e mezzo pazzo, Due Facce era l'alias dell'ex procuratore distrettuale di Gotham City Harvey Dent. Dopo aver ricevuto un danno cerebrale dall'acido di un mafioso, Dent è diventato un maniaco assetato di sangue, eccentrico e omicida con un debole per l'uso di una moneta che ha determinato tutte le sue azioni.

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