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  1. The list of presidents of the United States by net worth at peak varies greatly. Debt and depreciation often means that presidents' net worth is less than $0 at the time of death. Most presidents before 1845 were extremely wealthy, especially Andrew Jackson and George Washington.. Presidents since 1929, when Herbert Hoover took office, have generally been wealthier than presidents of the late ...

  2. 9 de nov. de 2009 · George W. Bush (1946-), America’s 43rd president, served in office from 2001 to 2009. ... which was signed by President Bill Clinton and was intended to combat worldwide global warming ...

  3. George W. Bush har en bachelorgrad i historie fra Yale University, og i 1968 blev Bush medlem af universitetets hemmelige klub Skull and Bones. Desuden har han en MBA fra Harvard Business School som den hidtil eneste amerikanske præsident. George W. Bush er desuden uddannet F-102 - jagerpilot trods en del spekulation i, om han reelt ...

  4. La presidencia de Bill Clinton como el 42.º presidente de los Estados Unidos comenzó con su primer toma de posesión el 20 de enero de 1993 y finalizó el 20 de enero de 2001. 1 Clinton, un demócrata de Arkansas, asumió el cargo luego de una victoria electoral decisiva sobre el entonces presidente republicano George HW Bush y el empresario ...

  5. Two vice presidents—George Clinton and John C. Calhoun—served under more than one president. Ill with tuberculosis and recovering in Cuba on Inauguration Day in 1853, William R. King , by an Act of Congress , was allowed to take the oath outside the United States.

  6. George W. Bush: Domestic Affairs. Despite George W. Bush’s best intentions, his administration encountered its share of challenges: the disputed 2000 presidential election, which initially undermined its political legitimacy; the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which recast its focus and priorities; the natural disaster of Hurricane ...

  7. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club Vol. 12, No. 9/10, Sep. - Oct., 1885 George W. Clinton, LL.D.. This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section.