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  1. Search for: 'Gerd von Rundstedt' in Oxford Reference ». (1875–1953)German field-marshal who commanded his country's forces against the Allied invasion of northwest Europe in 1944.From an aristocratic Prussian family, von Rundstedt rose through the ranks of the Imperial German army to become an eminent staff officer; during World War I he ...

  2. 8 de oct. de 2016 · Gerd von Rundstedt. Karl Rudolph Gerd von Rundstedt was born December 12th 1875 in Aschesleben in the Harz mountains near Magdeburg. He came from a military family dating back to the 12th century. When Gerd was born, his father served in a Prussian regiment of Hussars in the rank of Lieutenant. His mother was the daughter of a real estate owner.

  3. 23 de may. de 2018 · Karl Rudolf Gerd Von Rundstedt. Field marshal Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt (1875-1953), the senior German field commander in World War II, directed the German war effort on the Western front from 1942 to 1945.. Gerd von Rundstedt was born on Dec. 12, 1875, in Aschersleben near Magdeburg. His family was of old Prussian nobility with a long military tradition dating back to the Middle Ages.

  4. Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt (Aschersleben, 12 de desembre de 1875 – Hannover, 24 de febrer de 1953).Conegut per ser un dels millors generals de la Wehrmacht durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, i per tenir un punt de vista apolític al llarg de la seva carrera.. Neix a Aschersleben (en l'actual estat de Saxònia-Anhalt) dins d'una família aristòcrata prussiana pertanyent a l'elit de ...

  5. Parents: Gerd Arnold Konrad and Adeheid Eleanore (née Fischer) von Rundstedt. Wife: Married Luise “Bila” von Goetz on 22 January 1902 – one son, Hans Gerd von Rundstedt, born 21 January 1903. The Field Marshal’s son died on 12 January 1948 followed by his wife, Bila, in October 1952. Both passed away in Hannover.

  6. 卡尔·鲁道夫·格尔德·冯·伦德斯泰特(德文:Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt,1875年12月12日-1953年2月24日),纳粹德国陆军元帅、军事家。伦德斯泰特曾指挥第2集团军入侵捷克,指挥南方集团军群入侵波兰。对苏联的入侵期间,伦德斯泰特指挥的南方集团军群,围歼了当时苏联元帅布琼尼部队的主力。

  7. Biografie. Karl Rudolf Gerd von Runstedt (12 december 1875 in Aschersleben – 24 februari 1953 in Hannover) was een Duitse officier, op het laatst Generalfeldmarschall in de Tweede Wereldoorlog en leidde tijdens de oorlog de militaire organisaties (Heeresgruppen) aan meerdere fronten. Zijn belangrijkste positie was die van Oberbefehlshaber ...