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  1. Gore Vidal, vlastním jménem Eugene Luther Vidal jr., (3. října 1925 West Point, USA – 31. července 2012 Los Angeles, Kalifornie, USA) byl americký spisovatel, scenárista a politik. Psal také pod pseudonymy Edgar Box, Cameron Kay a Katherine Everard.. Život. Narodil se v rodině leteckého instruktora na vojenské akademii ve West Pointu ve státě New York.

  2. Creación – Gore Vidal. Libros. A través del relato de Ciro Espitama, nieto de Zoroastro y criado en la corte persa del rey Darío, y embajador de un imperio que se extiende desde el Mediterráneo hasta la India, sale a la luz uno de los períodos más espectaculares de la historia de la humanidad, el momento en que surgen en Oriente las ...

  3. 1 de ago. de 2012 · Gore Vidal, celebrated author and playwright, has died. In this clip from 1968, he discusses his concerns about overpopulation.

  4. 2 de ago. de 2012 · Because Vidal always had an opinion for us, even if no one was asking. In that way, he kept us honest. * * *. Here’s a list of Gore Vidal: The Quotable American (by way of Flavorwire ): 1. “It ...

  5. Eugene Luther Gore Vidal ( 3.10. 1925. - 31.7. 2012 .) je bio američki pisac, scenarista, esejista, poznat kao jedna od najkontroverznijih ličnosti na američkoj književnoj i političkoj sceni. Jedan od njegovih ranih radova, roman The City and the Pillar (1948) je razbesneo kritičare kao jedan od prvih velikih američkih romana koji se ...

  6. 1 de ago. de 2012 · Vidal's grandfather, Democratic Sen. Thomas Gore of Oklahoma, hoped that his grandson would also go into politics one day — a hope that was dashed, Lacayo said, when the young writer came out as ...

  7. The Gore Vidal papers include a variety of materials reflecting his personal, literary, political, and business life. This collection includes: materials documenting his early life, correspondence, literary and screen writing compositions, speeches, interviews, political papers and ephemera for campaigns, legal and business records, biographical materials, fan mail, films and video tapes ...