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  1. The Thomas Gray Archive is a peer-reviewed digital archive and research project devoted to eighteenth-century poet, letter-writer, and scholar Thomas Gray (1716-1771), author of the acclaimed "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" (1751). Founded in 2000, the Archive's mission is to facilitate collaboration and to support the study, research, and teaching of Gray's life and works.

  2. The Thomas Gray Archive is a collaborative digital archive and research project devoted to the life and work of eighteenth-century poet, letter-writer, and scholar Thomas Gray (1716-1771), author of the acclaimed 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' (1751).

  3. トマス・グレイ(Thomas Gray, 1716年 12月26日 - 1771年 7月30日)は、イングランドの詩人、古典学者、ケンブリッジ大学教授。 初期の人生と教育 [ 編集 ] グレイは ロンドン の コーンヒル ( Cornhill )に為替ブローカー兼婦人帽子屋の子として生まれた。

  4. The Thomas Gray Archive is a collaborative digital archive and research project devoted to the life and work of eighteenth-century poet, letter-writer, and scholar Thomas Gray (1716-1771), author of the acclaimed 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' (1751).

  5. Thomas Gray (Londres, 1716 - Cambridge, Gran Bretaña, 1771) Poeta inglés. Estudió en Eton y Cambridge, donde entabló una duradera amistad con Horace Walpole, a quien acompañó en sus viajes a Italia y a Francia (1739).Pasó la mayor parte de su vida estudiando a los clásicos, arqueología y ciencias naturales.

  6. The Thomas Gray Archive is a collaborative digital archive and research project devoted to the life and work of eighteenth-century poet, letter-writer, and scholar Thomas Gray (1716-1771), author of the acclaimed 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' (1751).

  7. Thomas Gray’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard‘ belongs to the genre of elegy. An elegy is a poem written to mourn a person’s death. Gray wrote this elegy in the year 1742. However, he published it only in the year 1751. He wrote this poem after the death of his friend Richard West. The poem is an elegy of the common man.

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