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  1. The place where Pope Pius VII was held captive between 1812 and 1814, Fontainebleau became the stage for the fall of the First Empire in April 1814. Napoleon I abdicated at the Château on April 4 th and 6 th, and after a famous farewell speech to his old guard in the Main Courtyard, left for exile on Elba. “ True home of kings, house of ...

  2. Horaires d'ouvertures. Le château est ouvert tous les jours, sauf le mardi, le 1er janvier, le 1er mai et le 25 décembre. D’octobre à mars : 9h30 à 17h (dernier accès à 16h15). D’avril à septembre : 9h30 à 18h (dernier accès à 17h15). Le parc et les jardins sont ouverts, dans les conditions habituelles, gratuitement.

  3. Château de Fontainebleau. With over 1500 rooms at the heart of 130 acres of parkland and gardens, Fontainebleau is the only royal and imperial château to have been continuously inhabited for seven centuries. Capétiens, Valois, Bourbons, Bonaparte and Orléans, all members of French ruling dynasties, have lived within these walls. Kings and ...

  4. O Palácio de Fontainebleau é um dos maiores palácios reais franceses. Fica localizado na cidade de Fontainebleau, departamento de Sena e Marne, no Norte da França. O palácio reflete, actualmente, o trabalho de vários monarcas franceses, construído a partir duma estrutura inicial de Francisco I. O edifício estende-se em volta de uma ...

  5. Print. The cradle of the French Renaissance. Both near and far from Paris, Fontainebleau had everything to please Francis I. He was a humiliated king, returning from a trying period of imprisonment in Madrid (1525-1526), who set his sights on this prestigious medieval ruin and undertook its reconstruction. In 10 years, the project to redevelop ...

  6. Tours and activities. Fontainebleau is the only château inhabited by every monarch from the 12 th to the 19 th century and the most beautifully furnished French royal palace. It features Renaissance masterpieces commissioned by Francis I of France, the lavishly decorated interiors of Marie Antoinette, the state apartment of Napoleon I, the ...