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  1. Paul Cézanne, Fotoporträt, um 1861 Signatur von Paul Cézanne Selbstporträt, 1883–1887, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Kopenhagen. Paul Cézanne (* 19.Januar 1839 in Aix-en-Provence; † 22. Oktober 1906 ebenda) war ein französischer Maler. Cézannes Werk wird unterschiedlichen Stilrichtungen zugeordnet: Während seine frühen Arbeiten noch von Romantik – wie die Wandbilder im Landhaus Jas de ...

  2. Paul Cezanne [11] vagy Paul Cézanne ( Aix-en-Provence, 1839. január 19. – Aix-en-Provence, 1906. október 22.) francia festő, a 19. századi festészeti irányzatokat radikálisan átalakító, a modernizmust megelőlegező posztimpresszionizmus jeles alakja.

  3. Paul Cézanne ([pɔl se'zan]; Aix-en-Provence, 19 gennaio 1839 – Aix-en-Provence, 22 ottobre 1906) è stato un pittore francese. Appartenente alla corrente post-impressionista, il suo lavoro gettò le basi del passaggio dalla concezione ottocentesca dell'attività artistica a una nuova e radicalmente diversa del XX secolo.

  4. In 1872, Cézanne returned to Paris, where his son Paul was born. His mistress, Hortense Fiquet, would finally become Madame Cézanne in 1886, notably just following the artist's father's death. Cézanne painted over forty portraits of his companion, as well as several enigmatic portraits of their son.

  5. Paul Cézanne “The painter gives concrete expression to his sensations , his perceptions, by means of line and color,” 1 Paul Cézanne wrote to the younger artist Émile Bernard. Throughout his decades-long career, he dedicated himself to this task, continuously experimenting with his materials and techniques in an effort to record his sensations on paper and canvas.

  6. Paul Cézanne was a French artist and Post-Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th-century conception of artistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century. Cézanne is said to have formed the bridge between late 19th-century Impressionism and the early 20th century ...

  7. Paul Cézanne (19 de enero de 1839-22 de octubre de 1906) fue un pintor francés postimpresionista, considerado el padre de la pintura moderna, cuyas obras establecieron las bases de la transición entre la concepción artística decimonónica hacia el mundo artístico del siglo XX, nuevo y diferente.Sin embargo, mientras vivió, Cézanne fue un pintor ignorado que trabajó en medio de un gran ...

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