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  1. Ragnheiður Pétursdóttir Melsteð (born 6 May 1971) is the co-founder and former executive producer of LazyTown Entertainment. Personal life. Ragnheiður was born to Valgerður Hanna and Pétur Melsteð, who was a known hairdresser in Iceland and was in charge of a magazine called Hár og fegurð for 25 years.

  2. Magnús estaba casado con Ragnheiður Melsteð durante 24 años. [18] La pareja se divorció en 2014. [ 19 ] Magnús y Ragnheiður tuvieron una hija y un hijo.

  3. Ragnheidur Melsted Ragnheidur Melsted fue una escritora y periodista islandesa nacida en 1917 y fallecida en 1995. Comenzó su carrera en el periodismo en el diario Islandia de Reykjavik, donde trabajó como redactora de noticias y crónicas.

  4. Circa 1989, Magnús married Ragnheiður Melsteð, with whom he lived for 24 years. The couple officially divorced in 2014. Magnús and Ragnheiður have a daughter and a son. Magnús also has a daughter with his former partner Halldóra Blöndall. In January 2017 Magnús got engaged to Hrefna Björk Sverrisdóttir in their restaurant ROK.

  5. Ragnheidur Melsted is the daughter of a famous hairdresser and magazine editor in Iceland. She is the executive producer and co-founder of LazyTown Entertainment, a company that produces children's entertainment shows and products.

  6. En la actualidad, Ragnheiður Melsted y Magnus Scheving son considerados una de las parejas más influyentes de Islandia, no solo por su trabajo conjunto sino también por su compromiso con el bienestar de la sociedad y su filantropía.

  7. 26 de ene. de 2016 · Magnús Scheving og Ragnheiður Pétursdóttir Melsteð hefur verið gert að skipta búi sínu til jafns milli sín. Hæstiréttur kvað upp dóm í málinu í gær. Þannig var niðurstaða héraðsdómstóls í nóvember staðfest.