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  1. Margaret Hunt Hill (October 19, 1915 – June 24, 2007) was an American heiress and philanthropist. Family, early life, and education. On October 19, 1915, Hill was born as Margaret Hunt in Lake Village, Arkansas. [1] . Hill's father was H. L. Hunt (1889–1974) and her mother was Lyda Bunker (1889–1955), both members of the Hunt family. [2] [3] [4]

  2. 7 de may. de 2008 · Margaret Hunt Hill died on June 14, 2007. Five months later, her 37-year-old grandson launched a multi-front lightning offensive in Dallas County District Court (the case was promptly...

  3. El puente Margaret Hunt Hill (en inglés: Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge) es un puente atirantado situado en Dallas, Estados Unidos, que cruza el río Trinity. Debe su nombre a la filántropa Margaret Hunt Hill, 3 y fue construido como parte del Trinity River Project.

  4. 29 de mar. de 2017 · Han pasado cinco años desde que empezaron a circular los primeros automóviles por el puente Margaret Hunt Hill, pero el dictamen sobre el éxito o fracaso de esta obra de ingeniería aún está...

  5. The Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge is a bridge in Dallas, Texas, that spans the Trinity River. The bridge is named for Margaret Hunt Hill, an heiress and philanthropist. The bridge was constructed as part of the Trinity River Project.

  6. El puente Margaret McDermott para peatones y ciclistas está compuesto por dos puentes gemelos de igual arquitectura y relación conceptual. Éstos flanquean la IH-30, uniendo ambas orillas, unificando aún más los distritos ribereños y permitiendo a los peatones y ciclistas atravesar el Río Trinity.

  7. 26 de oct. de 1986 · Margaret Hill, H.L. Hunt's first-born and thought by many to have the most astute business mind of the six children, has a lower public profile than Mrs. Schoellkopf, but maintains a steady...