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  1. elegy, meditative lyric poem lamenting the death of a public personage or of a friend or loved one; by extension, any reflective lyric on the broader theme of human mortality.

  2. An elegy is a poem of serious reflection, especially one mourning the loss of someone who died. Elegies are defined by their subject matter, and don't have to follow any specific form in terms of meter, rhyme, or structure.

  3. › wiki › ElegyElegy - Wikipedia

    An elegy is a poem of serious reflection, and in English literature usually a lament for the dead.

  4. 8 de ago. de 2008 · David Kepesh es un crítico cultural alérgico al compromiso que ve cómo Consuela Castillo, una alumna, despierta en él un sentimiento de posesividad sexual que hace que su vida y sus prejuicios se tambaleen. 115 min.

  5. David Kepesh, un carismático profesor, está orgulloso de seducir a alumnas deseosas de probar experiencias nuevas, sin embargo, nunca deja que ninguna mujer se le acerque demasiado. Pero cuando la hermosa Consuela Castillo entra en su clase, su barniz de protección se disuelve.

  6. An elegy is a poem that reflects on a subject or person through sorrow or melancholy. Elegies are typically poems about someone who has died. A dirge is a brief hymn or song that expresses lamentation or grief, and is generally composed to be performed at a funeral.

  7. The elegy is a form of poetry in which the poet or speaker expresses grief, sadness, or loss. History of the Elegy Form. The elegy began as an ancient Greek metrical form and is traditionally written in response to the death of a person or group.

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