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  1. 23 de abr. de 2016 · We can imagine the improbable, but through illusion make it real. Does this make emotional illusion the brainchild of those who cannot face reality?

  2. In fact, emotions routinely affect how and what we see. Fear, for example, can affect low-level visual processes, sad moods can alter susceptibility to visual illusions, and goal-directed desires can change the apparent size of goal-relevant objects.

  3. 1 de ene. de 2012 · For this reason, many philosophers have developed perceptual theories which describe emotions as forms of perception, allowing us to explain recalcitrant emotions without attributing to the ...

  4. emotions is not independent of the claim that recalcitrant emotions are perceptual illusions. In the next section, I discuss an important argument against the perceptual account. According to Bennett Helm (2001), the conflict between emotions and evaluative judgements is importantly

  5. Corpus ID: 140429061. Emotions, perceptions, and emotional illusions. Christine Tappolet. Published 2012. Psychology, Philosophy. Emotions often misfire. We sometimes fear innocuous things, such as spiders or mice, and we do so even if we firmly believe that they are innocuous.

  6. Abstract. Emotions often misfire. We sometimes fear innocuous things, such as spiders or mice, and we do so even if we firmly believe that they are innocuous. This is true of all of us, and not only of phobics, who can be considered to suffer from extreme manifestations of a common tendency.

  7. 29 de sept. de 2015 · Illusions areor should be—a fundamental part of the neuroscientist's toolbox to explore how the brain creates an internal representation of the external world. In addition, illusions add an intellectual dimension to the aesthetic and emotional engagement that typically characterizes the experience of art.