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  1. Ernst von Rüchel (21 de julio de 1754 - 14 de enero de 1823) fue un general prusiano que lideró un cuerpo de ejército en la aplastante derrota ante Napoleón en la Batalla de Jena el 14 de octubre de 1806.

  2. Ernst von Rüchel (21 July 1754 – 14 January 1823) was a Prussian general who led an army corps in a crushing defeat by Napoleon at the Battle of Jena on 14 October 1806. He commanded troops from the Kingdom of Prussia in several battles during the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793 and 1794.

  3. Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp von Rüchel (* 21. Juli 1754 in Ziezeneff ; † 14. Januar 1823 in Haseleu im Landkreis Regenwalde ) war ein preußischer General der Infanterie .

  4. Ernst von Rüchel fue un general prusiano que lideró un cuerpo de ejército en la aplastante derrota ante Napoleón en la Batalla de Jena el 14 de octubre de 1806. Comandó tropas del Reino de Prusia en varias batallas durante las Guerras revolucionarias francesas en 1793 y 1794.

  5. It was thanks to Rüchel that the French General Custine (who had already taken Mainz and Frankfurt) was not able to sieze Koblenz as Rüchel had improved and manned its fortifications. On 2 December 1792 Rüchel took part in the storm and recapture of Frankfurt by Hessian troops.

  6. 6 de jun. de 2019 · Using primary and secondary source material, this article analyses the tremendous contribution of Gerhard von Scharnhorst to modern military history. Prussia’s remarkable victories over Austria in 1866 and France in 1870 stunned the world.

  7. RÜCHEL, Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Philipp von. Born 21 July, 1754, in Zizenow in Pomerania, died in Haseley, Pomerania, 13 January 1823. Almost the model of an 18-century Prussian infantry general, renowned for his dislike of the French and a very lively spirit, Rüchel began his military career at the Berlin cadet school on 14 January 1767.