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  1. Josef Weinheber (9 March 1892 in Vienna – 8 April 1945 in Kirchstetten, Lower Austria) was an Austrian lyric poet, narrative writer and essayist. Life [ edit ] Brought up in an orphanage, Weinheber was, before his authorial career, a casual labourer, and from 1911 to 1918 a postal service worker.

  2. Josef Weinheber war ein österreichischer Lyriker und Erzähler. Weinhebers Werk polarisiert seit jeher Anhänger und Gegner und ist bis heute Gegenstand ästhetischer, weltanschaulicher und politischer Kontroversen. Er wird als gemütvoller Wiener Heimatdichter geschätzt, wurde als Dichterfürst verehrt, war einer der meistgelesenen Lyriker ...

  3. Josef Weinheber (born March 9, 1892, Vienna, Austria—died April 9, 1945, Kirchstetten) was an Austrian poet noted for his technical mastery. Weinheber’s parents died when he was a child, and he spent six unhappy years in an orphanage before an aunt took him to live with her.

  4. 26 de mar. de 2024 · Josef Weinheber war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, der sich der NSDAP anschloss und mehrere politische Huldigungsgedichte verfasste. Er erhielt zahlreiche Ehrungen, darunter den Grillparzerpreis und die Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Wien.

  5. Overview. Josef Weinheber. (1892—1945) Quick Reference. (Vienna, 1892–1945, Kirchstetten nr. St Pölten), having lost both parents in his early childhood, was sent to an orphanage at Mödling, an experience which forms the basis of his school ... From: Weinheber, Josef in The Oxford Companion to German Literature » Subjects: Literature.

  6. the once celebrated Austrian poet Josef Weinheber.1 Regarded in the 1930s and 40s as practically the poet laureate of Hider's Greater German Empire, nowadays Weinheber barely impinges on public consciousness.2 Notwith standing this, Beyer gives his reader no additional assistance in identifying the intertextual references in his work.

  7. A NOTE ON JOSEF WEINHEBER RILKE HAS BEEN DEAD for more than a quarter of a century, and yet it is usually his name that will first occur to the ordinary American, British, or French reader interested in modern literature, when he thinks of contemporary German poetry. This is astonishing. For Rilke definitely belongs