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  1. Jennifer Doudna was born February 19, 1964, in Washington, D.C., as the daughter of Dorothy Jane (Williams) and Martin Kirk Doudna. Her father received his PhD in English literature from the University of Michigan, and her mother held a master's degree in education.

  2. Doudna era una estudiante de pregrado en la Universidad de Pomona, donde obtuvo su licenciatura en bioquímica en 1985. Los profesores de química Fred Grieman y Corwin Hansch en Pomona tuvieron un gran impacto en ella.

  3. Biographical. Iwas born on February 19, 1964 in Washington, D.C., the oldest of three sisters. My father Martin K. Doudna was a speechwriter for the Department of Defense at the time and my mother Dorothy taught in community college.

  4. 7 de oct. de 2020 · Jennifer Doudna, a molecular biologist at the University of California at Berkeley, began looking at CRISPR in 2005. Her colleague Jillian Banfield had noticed repeating genes in bacteria that live in harsh acidic environments.

  5. 8 de oct. de 2020 · En la actualidad, Jennifer Doudna fomenta el uso ético de las tecnologías de edición genética. Fotografía de Erika Larsen Nota del editor: Jennifer Doudna y Emmanuelle Charpentier han sido galardonadas con el Premio Nobel de Química de 2020 por el desarrollo de un método para la edición del genoma.

  6. 11 de may. de 2015 · Dr. Doudna earned her doctoral degree by engineering a catalytic RNA that could self-replicate, adding evidence to that theory. But her inability to visualize this catalytic RNA hindered...

  7. Doudna is an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, senior investigator at Gladstone Institutes, and the founder of the Innovative Genomics Institute. She co-founded and serves on the advisory panel of several companies that use CRISPR technology in unique ways.