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  1. The mutant heroes known as the X-Men found the amnesiac Longshot in their Danger Room and, following their first adventure against Mojo after he de-aged them and Longshot to make them his servants, only for them to be saved by the New Mutants, he accompanied them on several adventures while trying to recover his missing memories.

  2. Longshot es un personaje ficticio, un superhéroe de Marvel Comics mejor conocido por ser un miembro de los X-Men. Fue creado por la escritora Ann Nocenti y el artista Art Adams. Es uno de los pocos X-Men (junto con Wolverine, Cable, y Banshee) que tienen un archienemigo relativamente bien definido…

  3. Longshot es un personaje ficticio, un superhéroe de Marvel Comics, más conocido por ser un miembro de los X-Men. Fue creado por la escritora Ann Nocenti y el artista Art Adams.

  4. Longshot is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, most commonly in association with the X-Men. Created by writer Ann Nocenti and artist Art Adams, he first appeared in Longshot #1 (September 1985), the first issue of a six-issue miniseries that represents the first major work of both Nocenti and Adams. [1]

  5. Longshot se unió a la Resistencia Clandestina Mutante de Genosha y su odio creciente hacia los seres humanos le llevó a olvidarse de Espiral, quien finalmente buscó consuelo en Sir Arthur Scheele, un político de Genosha que simpatizaba con la causa mutante.

  6. Longshot's dedication to mutant freedom and his growing hatred of non-powered humans led him to neglect Spiral, who eventually sought solace with Sir Arthur Scheele, a Genoshan politician sympathetic to the mutant cause.

  7. Longshot's dedication to mutant freedom and his growing hatred of non-powered humans led him to neglect Spiral, who eventually sought solace with Lord Joseph Scheele, a Genoshan politician sympathetic to the mutant cause.