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  1. The Ashanti Empire was the largest slaveowning and slave trading state in the territory of today's Ghana during the Atlantic slave trade. The welfare of their slaves varied from being able to acquire wealth and intermarry with the master's family to being sacrificed in funeral ceremonies.

  2. Asante empire, West African state that occupied what is now southern Ghana in the 18th and 19th centuries. Extending from the Comoé River in the west to the Togo Mountains in the east, the Asante empire was active in the slave trade in the 18th century and unsuccessfully resisted British.

  3. 2 de dic. de 2021 · In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Ashanti Empire ruled over much of modern-day Ghana — and tirelessly fought back against British colonization. Out of the dense forests of West Africa rose the Ashanti Empire, a kingdom that grew to an unprecedented position of power in the 1700s and 1800s.

  4. El Imperio asante, Imperio ashanti o Asanteman fue un imperio y reino creado por los ashanti o asantes, etnia perteneciente al grupo de los akan, desde 1701 hasta 1957. Ocupó las tierras cercanas a la Costa de Oro, en el África Occidental, en lo que hoy es Ghana. [2]

  5. Antes de la colonización europea, el pueblo asante desarrolló un imperio de gran alcance en África occidental gracias al comercio. Antes del siglo XIII, pueblos de lengua akán emigraron hacia la franja boscosa en la actual Ghana y establecieron estados pequeños en la región montañosa, en las cercanías del Kumasi moderno.

  6. 11 de ene. de 2010 · The Ashanti Empire was a pre-colonial West African state that emerged in the 17th century in what is now Ghana. The Ashanti or Asante were an ethnic subgroup of the Akan-speaking people, and were composed of small chiefdoms.

  7. The Ashanti Empire was a powerful kingdom located in the area of present-day Ghana on the coast of West Africa and centered on the capital of Kumasi. Because of its vast deposits of gold, which were highly sought after by European traders, this area became known as the Gold Coast.