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  1. 19 de jul. de 2023 · The Battle of Hoff (6 February 1807) was fought between the Russian rearguard and the French Cavalry Reserve, a day before the bloody Battle of Eylau (7-8 February). Painting by Jean-Charles Langlois, before 1849.

  2. Battle of Hoff, February 6, 1807. 1849. by Jean-Charles Langlois. painting by Jean-Charles Langlois (Museum: Museum of the History of France) Credit: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. More:

  3. Jean-Charles Langlois, known as The Colonel (22 July 1789 – 1870) was a French soldier and painter . Biography. The Battle of Smolensk by Langlois (1812) Langlois was born in Beaumont-en-Auge.

  4. 13 de may. de 2022 · Esta semana volvemos al terreno de los óleos y pinceles dedicados a la época napoleónica de la mano del pintor y militar francés, Jean-Charles Langlois. Alistado en 1806, el artista participó en las guerras napoleónicas y posteriormente en las expediciones militares francesas en España y Argel.

  5. 10 de jun. de 2023 · El 6 de febrero, la retaguardia rusa, al mando de Barclay de Tolly, fue apostada entre Glandau (actual Glady) y Hoff (Hoofe en alemán y Dworzno en polaco), a 3 km al noreste. El principal ejército ruso estaba varios km más al noreste en Landsberg (actual Gorowo Ilawecki).

  6. – La Enciclopedia de las Bellas Artes - Pintura, Obras de arte de Jean Charles Langlois - BATALLA DELAWARE HOFF . 6 FEBRERO 1807

  7. 3 de feb. de 2004 · Jean-Charles Langlois, who became one of the most important panoramists in nineteenth-century France, was a colonel in the French army who took part in the siege of Algiers in 1830 as an artist, returning in 1832 to make studies for his Panorama of Algiers .