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  1. Clinton era report. In December 1998, the CIA's Counterterrorist Center reported to President Bill Clinton that al-Qaeda was preparing for attacks in the U.S. that might include hijacking aircraft. [1] [2]

  2. Cuando Uribe llegó al poder, en agosto de 2002, la alianza en materia de seguridad entre ambos países ya estaba sellada: Pastrana, muy cercano al presidente Bill Clinton, había firmado un...

  3. Hours before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, former U.S. President Bill Clinton told an audience in Australia about his missed chance to kill attack mastermind Osama bin Laden, according to audio released this week.

  4. The genocide killed 800,000 to a million people in just three months. To his credit, former President Bill Clinton has repeatedly apologized.

  5. Presidents Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton all gathered at the site where the World Trade Center towers fell two decades ago.

  6. After the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, President Bill Clinton pledged full federal support for the investigation, saying in his weekly radio address, “Working together, we’ll find out who was involved and why this happened.”.

  7. Hace 20 años exactos, cuatro aviones comerciales que despegaron desde la costa este con destino al oeste de Estados Unidos fueron secuestrados por un total de 19 extremistas asociados a Al Qaeda,...