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  1. Gertrude Wilson y Gladys Ryland (1949): «Consideramos por ello el social group work como un proceso y un método,por medio del cual la vida del grupo es afectada por un trabajador (social) que conscientemente dirige el proceso interactivo hacia el cumplimiento de metas que en nuestro país se conciben en un marco democrático de referencia».

  2. Gertrude Wilsons contribution to the establishment of social group work within social work in the United States was pivotal. She was able to articulate the relationship between group work and case work, and she provided the practice text for workers (with Gladys Ryland).

  3. 13 de jul. de 2023 · El libro contiene los resultados de una investigación mediante la cual se muestra el estado actual de la producción sobre Trabajo Social con Grupos desde las diferentes dimensiones disciplinares:...

  4. In 1949 came Social Group Work Practice, co-authored with Gladys Ryland, her colleague at Pittsburgh. Later (1957) she published The Practice of Social Group Work. When Wilson began writing, social-work practice was dominated by case work, which focused on the intra-psychic problems of individuals and was rooted in psychoanalytic theory.

  5. Reviews the book, Social Group Work Practice--The Creative Use of the Social Practice by Gertrude Wilson and Gladys Ryland (1949).

  6. The Challenges of Health Care Reform for Hospital Social Work in the United States. The potential impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 on the practice of hospital social work in the United States and its implications for social work education and training is examined. Expand.

  7. Wilson, G., & Ryland, G. (1949). Social group work practice. Houghton Mifflin. Abstract. Basic in this work is the conviction of the authors that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that in the "group-as-a-whole" lies a means of achieving personal growth, personal rehabilitation and social goals.