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  1. The meaning of a wide variety of natural language expressions can be stated in terms of degrees on scales. This paper provides an overview of the contribution of scales to linguistic meaning.

  2. The overall score provides a general measure of a test taker’s ability to deal with English in academic settings. The score range is from 10 to 90 points. The communicative skills scores provide discrete information about the listening, reading, speaking and writing skills of a test taker. These skills are also scored between 10 and 90 points.

  3. 1 Common Reference Levels. 1.1 Global scale. 1.2 Self-assessment grid. 1.3 Qualitative aspects of spoken language use. 2 Illustrative scales. 2.1 Communicative Activities: Reception. Spoken. Overall Listening Comprehension. Understanding Interaction between Native Speakers.

  4. Descriptors are available for different aspects of linguistic competence: “Range” (subdivided: “Morpho-syntactic range”, later renamed “General linguistic range”, and “Vocabulary range”); “Control” (subdivided: “Grammatical accuracy” and “Vocabulary control”), “Phonological control” and “Orthographic control”.

  5. Relationship of mediation scales to existing CEFR scales 54 Cross-linguistic mediation 54. Page 6 General and communicative language competences 55 General and communicative language competences in building on pluricultural repertoire 55 ... Linguistic 133 General linguistic range 133 Vocabulary range 134 Grammatical accuracy 135

  6. A descriptor scale for academic language proficiency is a complex and multidimensional notion, to the extent that a functional description of academic language use inevitably introduces a range of factors: cognitive stage general language proficiency (given that language of schooling may not be learner's L1)

  7. There are three very well known language proficiency scales used around the world: the ACTFL scale, the CEFR scale, and the ILR scale. Each scale measures linguistic abilities on various levels to reflect an individual's ability to communicate effectively in a target language.