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  1. War Photographer Carol Ann Duffy's poem explores another side of war in poetry. It is one of the National 5 set text poems.

  2. A poem that depicts the trauma and ethics of a war photographer who returns home to develop his photos. The poem references historical air strikes and a famous Vietnam War photograph of children fleeing a napalm bomb.

  3. Scottish poet Carol Ann Duffy (former Poet Laureate of the UK) examines the life of a war photographer who takes pictures of conflicts for British newspapers.

  4. Learn about the courageous and influential war photographers who captured the horrors and humanity of war. From Robert Capa to Lynsey Addario, discover their stories, photos, and awards.

  5. A poem that explores the horrors of war and the role of a war photographer. The poet contrasts the peaceful rural England with the violent conflict zones and criticizes the indifference of the editors and the public.

  6. War Photographer es una película documental suiza de Christian Frei publicada en noviembre de 2001. Cuenta la historia del fotógrafo de guerra James Nachtwey y trata los dilemas a los que se enfrentan todos aquellos envueltos en el periodismo de guerra.

  7. War photography involves photographing armed conflict and its effects on people and places. Photographers who participate in this genre may find themselves placed in harm's way, and are sometimes killed trying to get their pictures out of the war arena.