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  1. 9 de ago. de 2014 · Aprende cómo se usa el caso posesivo (‘s) en inglés para expresar posesión, y cómo se diferencia del español y del verbo "to be". Practica con cuestionarios y ejemplos.

  2. 16 de may. de 2023 · The possessive case of most singular nouns, whether common or proper, is formed by adding – ’s to the end. See the following examples: This is Mary and her dog. The dog is Mary’s pet; Mary is not the dog’s pet. This thick curtain is capable of shutting out the summer sun’s heat and light.

  3. Learn how to use the possessive case for showing ownership of nouns, pronouns, and determiners. Find out the rules, exceptions, and complications of forming possessive nouns with apostrophes.

  4. Aprende cómo se forma y se utiliza el saxon genitive (possesivo) en inglés con ejemplos, reglas y ejercicios. El saxon genitive se usa para indicar posesión de algo o la relación de parentesco entre personas o animales.

  5. › grammar › english-grammar-referencePossessives | LearnEnglish

    Possessives are forms that we use to talk about possessions and relationships between things and people. They take different forms depending on how they are used.

  6. Aprende cómo se forman y se usan los sustantivos posesivos en inglés con el apóstrofo ('s) y la preposición of. Practica con ejercicios y mejora tus habilidades gramaticales.

  7. › grammar › a1-a2-grammarPossessive 's | LearnEnglish

    We can use possessive 's to talk about the relationship between people or to say who owns something. Possessive 's always comes after a noun or a name. We often use possessive 's or s' when we talk about family and friends. Grandma and Grandpa are my mum's parents. Maria's best friend is Juanita.

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