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  1. Smithson's first fully-fledged Earthworks were little more than preliminary sketches: site-specific proposals that existed only on paper. Throughout 1969 and 1970, he created a large number of drawings depicting projects that would soon come to fruition - and a few that would not.

  2. Robert Smithson (January 2, 1938 – July 20, 1973) was an American artist known for sculpture and land art who often used drawing and photography in relation to the spatial arts. His work has been internationally exhibited in galleries and museums and is held in public collections.

  3. Robert Smithson was an American sculptor and writer associated with the Land Art movement. His large-scale sculptures, called Earthworks, engaged directly with nature and were created by moving and constructing with vast amounts of soil and rocks. Smithson preferred to work with ruined or exhausted.

  4. Comenzó a trabajar en lugares suburbanos, empleando para sus trabajos el término Earthworks (obras de tierra). Sus construcciones, esculturales sin ninguna función utilitaria, son así obras efímeras. Sus obras son gigantescas, construidas con la ayuda de máquinas industriales, lejos de la población.

  5. Su tipo de pintura preferida es la pintura abstracta, tipo de pintura que dejó para consagrarse, a partir de 1962, a la escultura. Comenzó a trabajar en lugares suburbanos, empleando para sus trabajos el término Earthworks (obras de tierra).

  6. Robert Smithson's earthwork Spiral Jetty (1970) is located at Rozel Point peninsula on the northeastern shore of Great Salt Lake. Using over six thousand tons of black basalt rocks and earth from the site, Smithson formed a coil 1,500 feet long and 15 feet wide that winds counterclockwise off the shore into the water.

  7. Born in Passaic in New Jersey, Robert Smithson (January 2, 1938—July 20, 1973) was an artist who expanded what art could be and where it could be found. For over fifty years his work, writings, and ideas have influenced artists and thinkers, building the ground from which contemporary art has grown.