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  1. Hace 6 horas · During the film, we check in on the Aniara ’s passengers and crew on a regular basis — at first every year, then every couple of years, then 10 years, and then 24 years out in space as the last passengers, having cannibalized everything, are dying. Finally, 5,981,407 years later, the decaying husk of the spaceship reaches the planet it needed all along, one capable of supporting human life.

  2. If you asked me should he have won for Inherit the Wind I’d say yes of course. But when I remember he was against Jack Lemon (for my favorite movie of all time, The Apartment), Burt Lancaster for Elmer Gantry (winner), and Laurence Olivier I’d have to say no. It was a packed year. Same for Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. All classics that year.

  3. Hace 6 horas · Jen Deaderick. May 21, 2024. 1. I watched The Swimmer tonight, the 1968 Burt Lancaster movie. It’s based on a John Cheever short story about a rich suburban guy who’s had a breakdown and decides to swim across a bunch of pools until he gets home. Except he’s not rich anymore and it’s not his home anymore. Each pool brings him more ...

  4. Hace 1 día · The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, also known as simply the March on Washington or the Great March on Washington, was held in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans.At the march, final speaker Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, delivered his historic "I ...

  5. Hace 6 horas · 1957, nasce Judge Reinhold, attore in Beverly Hills Cop e Viceversa. 1959, nasce Nick Cassavetes, attore e regista di John Q e Le pagine della nostra vita. 1998, esce Velvet goldmine, di Todd Haynes, sul glam rock anni ‘70. 2000, muore John Gielgud, attore di Arthur (Oscar 1981) e Gandhi. TAG. bernardo bertolucci. burt lancaster. gerard ...

  6. Hace 6 horas · Quando Leonardo DiCaprio terminou de ler o livro “The Wolf of Wall Street”, escrito por Jordan Belfort que narrava, na primeira pessoa, a vida atribulada deste ex-corretor que, depois da famosa crise económica na América, viu o seu sonho de enriquecer ficar reduzido a pó, mas que renasceu das cinzas na década de noventa, do século xx, criando uma empresa que vendia acções de ...

  7. Hace 6 horas · [Editor’s note: The following article was first published in May 2019. It has since been updated with new Palme winners.] When the red carpet rolls out on the Croisette, there’s one question on everybody’s mind: who will take home the Palme d’Or? This year celebrates the 77th Festival, and the 76th Palme crowning. In 2020, […]

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